RBI Assistant Recruitment 2017:
Are you the person looking for Bank jobs. Here is a great opportunity for it. Our Reserve Bank Of India(RBI) has released a notification for various post in various branches. The person who is going to apply for these post should prepare well for the exams, here we are providing some details to help you. We provide Exam Syllabus and Pattern and it will help you to do your exams well. The RBI Assistant Exams will conduct in all the centers in the country conducted by the Reserve Bank Of India. After the written examination the selection process will start, on the basis of the written examination, candidates will be selected. The Written Examination was held in three phases i.e. Prelims, Mains, and Interview. For the post of RBI Assistant, will shortlist the candidates on the merit list.
RBI Assistant Important Dates 2017:
RBI Assistant Post Vacancies 2017:
The Vacancies in RBI Assistant Post are given below.

RBI Assistant 2017 Salary and Emoluments Notification 2017:
The Salary of RBI Assistant is,
- Rs.14,650-Per Month(Increment of 13,150 is applicable for graduate)
- The PayScale is 13150-750 (3)-15400-900(4) - 19000-1200(6)-26200-1300 (2)-28800-1480(3) -33240 - 1750 (1)-34990(20 years)
- Allowance added to the salary is the Dearness Allowance(DA) House Rent Allowance(HRA), City Compensatory Allowance(CCA), Transport Allowance(TA) etc.,
- Rs.32528 Gross Emoluments for the Assistant.
RBI Assistant Educational Qualification:
Candidates should get up to 50% marks in the recognized university.
RBI Assistant Age Limit 2017:
The candidate who is going to write examination should be in 20 to 28 years. The date of birth who are willing to apply for the post should be in between October 2nd, 1989, and October 1st, 1997.
RBI Assistant Exam Pattern 2017:
Exam Pattern for both Prelims and Mains are given below:
Phase III - Language Proficiency Test(LPT)
- If the Candidate have cleared both prelims and mains, the candidate will be called for Language Proficiency Test(LPT)
- Candidate must be good in English and Hindi
- Main Exams will conduct in both language
RBI Recruitment Registration Fee - Rs.450 (General), Rs.50 (SC/ST/Ex-Service man)
Steps to Apply RBI Recruitment 2017
Step 1: Visit this link
Step 2: Fill the Application Form and Submit it
Step 3: You need to upload photograph.
Step 4: After, Complete your payment. You need to pay online.
Step 5: Finally, You got application form. Print out it.
How to get RBI Recruitment 2017 Admit Card?
Once your application has been fully approved. You can able to get Admit card from the official website. Here we mentioned steps to check Admit Card.
- Visit this link
- Enter you username and password
- Download Admit Card and Print it.
RBI Recruitment 2017 Cut-Off Marks
How to Check RBI Assistant Recruitment December 2017 Results?
RBI recruitment December 2017 Exams will published on official rbi website soon. Who can pass on this exam can able to get RBI jobs.
All the best for your Exam friends. Please share this details with your friends.
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